Thursday, May 9, 2019

Are Bill of Sale Documents Legally Valid?

Bill of Sale documents are supposed to report the sale of an item or commodity, and have all the important pieces of information – such as where the sale was conducted, when it was made, the amount it was sold for etc. These are legally binding documents that are given by sellers to buyers. Many buyers are confused about the legal validity of these documents. Find out what makes even an online Bill of Sale document legally recognizable.

3 Important Checkpoints in Rental Agreements You Should Know About

A rental lease agreement is essential prior to renting a home, or to avoid nasty surprises about hikes in rent, non-payments, hidden charges and more. Here are 3 important rent agreement checkpoints that you should do prior to signing this type of contract.

Why Is It Important To Notarize A Power Of Attorney Document?

A power of attorney (POA) refers to a type of legal document that lets an organization or a party grant another person the legal authority to take some decisions on his / her behalf. Find out why notarizing a power of attorney is important.